Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Rx

Setting a Goal

so, my sister just had her 29th birthday and on that morning, she ran the cherry blossom 10 mile race in washington DC. i was in complete awe of her (especially since the last time i ran anywhere... well, i can;t remember- maybe i blocked it on purpose). i used to run all the time and it was the best exercise. but now that i'm not on a team i have like ZERO motivation to work out. so... what am i going to do? i am going to sign up for a race in VA! what better to motivate me than to know that in few months i will be running in an organized road race?! and i'll get cute inexpensive matching outfits to motivate me to work out. i'm super excited about it. so, i found a website with road races in the area and i'll choose one that will work with my schedule. i'll post the race i choose and keep you updated.

what goals do you have? what do you want to do? what steps will you take to motivate yourself? setting goals supercharges your self confidence. and who doesn't need supercharged confidence on monday morning?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday Rx

what is worse than waking up and checking your email at home or at work on monday morning and its full of spam, drab business correspondence or bills you have to pay? how can you make this a more enjoyable task? change your template!

many email platforms have fun templates that you can apply to spice up your inbox. whether its just a change in color scheme or an all out panorama (i'm a fan of the cartoon ninjas myself), its a quick shot of color and personality each time you open your inbox.

and this is a change that doesn't have to stay with you long. unlike those hasty bangs you cut on a whim, you can easily explore different colors and styles.

so go forth and be productive in style!


things are happening so fast, and i think i just slowed down enough to let it hit me: i'm getting married. like, married. like live with your husband, sleep in the same bed, watch eachother go to the batheroom married. i know they say the first year of marriage is the hardest, but they also call it the honey moon stage. can those two really coexist? is there any struggle-free portion of the honeymoon stage thats just sweet?

but i know myself. i will worry myself into a corner and not appreciate the good in a situation (even one as AWESOME as getting married to a wonderful man like chris). and i decide right now to not be affraid. i can be aware and mindful of the labor pains that come with two individuals birthing a new life. but i can also rejoice in that new life that is ours; the one that we get to shape into whatever we want.

so later for fear. and hello to soberness about the weight of this decision and joy that we have such agency in making it amazing!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Change In The Air

So, I've been gone for a while, but I'm back. And buy do I have a lot to talk about.

First- I matched in VA for my residency program! I'll be a doctor in May and on my way to delivering babies with the best of 'em!

Second- I am moving! We are buying a home! From an HGTV junkie, please believe I am SOOO excited.

Third- Save the best for last... I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!! Chris proposed last week!! I'm so stoked. So many things changing all at once.

So, in my pursuit of divadom, I will be investingating the best ways to maintain style and class while gettin' it all done! So let the games begin! Growing up is going to be so much fun ;)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Morning Rx

Are you ready for your week? Need a little something to make you feel good? Well, my friend, you've got the all that you need to make this a good day.

What's one thing that makes me feel instantly more perky? cute panties. nobody knows but you, and that makes the smile they put on your face that much more intriguing! i personally love t.j.maxx and marshall's. there you can get really cute stuff for less than $5.

so, be it satin, lace, or cotton floral, pick your pair and smile today. it's your monday morning. make it a good one.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


so, i got to grab some fro yo with a friend i hadn't gotten to talk to in a while. she is one of those people that is super open and you never have to wonder if you are seeing the real her or not. i feel like God has put a few of these kind of people in my life and it is so refreshing! it always inspires me to be the most genuine me. it reminds me that being unapologetically you allows others to do the same, and that is a beautiful thing.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Letting Go

so i have been under a lot of stress lately: residency interviews, struggling with independence from my parents, dealing with my mother's history if illness and the fear that it would once again become an issue. things that would stress anyone. so in sitting with my wonderful boyfriend and venting, he helped me to realize that i have been much more stressed out than i let myself realize. after he listened very well, he asked me a good question- what would God want from me in these situation. hmmmm. i had to stop and think. i took a moment and prayed, and i learned two things:

1. i need to validate my stress. i often think about all the people that have things worse off than me. and God bless 'em, there are many people in worse circumstances. but i have to allow myself the space to feel the way that i feel and address it.

2. God just wants me to trust him. all of my stressing and worrying about my mother's health or my life's next step or whether or not to look for a job this spring is of no consequence. my worrying is wasteful. just take action toward what i want and trust in God that things will be as the should.

letting go,
monday morning diva